Saturday, May 2, 2009

George Hrab: Skeptical Rockstar

If you've been listening to the 365 Days of Astronomy podcast, you've heard the abridged version of George Hrab's "Far". Here's the even more awesome full version:

George is one of my favorite musicians. He's also wicked smart and one of the most fun critical thinkers around. He was at Dragon*Con last year and will return in 2009.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Homologous Links

Dallas Morning News columnnist Steve Blow has a piece on the eyebeams guy who won a Pigasus Award recently.

Speaking of James Randi, here's a link to the JREF website. Chances are, you already know about it but just in case. :)

Skeptico has an excellent piece on the non-excellent Melanie Phillips.

And to celebrate The Perky Skeptic's recent trip to the Memphis Zoo, I present cute, baby meerkats!

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